Fresh Greek Oregano

Oregano is well known for its healing and medicinal properties since antiquity. Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare heracleoticum) is considered to be the best around the world due to its very high carvacrol content which is the main active ingredient.

Oregano essential oil has plenty of beneficial properties that are supported from extended research and clinical studies which prove that:

  • fortifies the organism’s defense mechanisms against respiratory and gastrointestinal viruses

  • boosts the immune system against fungi and bacteria

  • has powerful antioxidant activity far greater than most fruits and vegetables

The legend of oregano

The word oregano is derived from the words ‘όρος’ and ‘γάνος’, which means “joy of the mountain” and symbolizes happiness and peace. Greek oregano is considered to be the best due to its very high concentration in carvacrol, which is the main active ingredient, because of the ideal climatic conditions of our country. It is impressive that in a shipwreck of an ancient Greek ship near Chios were found amphorae filled with the “valuable oregano essential oil” which was shipped to other countries.

Oregano is a potent antioxidant while having 42 times greater antioxidant activity than apples and 12 times than oranges and it is listed among liver, red meat and eggs as one of the eight largest sources of organic iron. It is scientifically proven that oregano essential oil produced from this species of oregano (Vulgare hirtum – heracleoticum) possesses a wide range of pharmacological properties.


You can safely use oregano essential oil for up to 2 months by interrupting treatment every 3 weeks or according to your doctor’s or pharmacist’s advice.

You can take antibiotics with oregano essential oil at the same time. Oregano essential oil has action against the microbial resistance caused by synthetic antibiotics.

Oregano essential oil has been shown to help in cases of anxiety and depression.

When used in recommended doses, the use of oregano essential oil is completely safe. Overdose can have harmful effects and can cause skin irritation.